Empowerment In Action.
the man of the year award
Our man of the year award is a scholarship that was created in 2018 as an investment into the youth in our community. Its purpose is to support young men in their pursuit of education, professionalism, and entrepreneurship. Young men need mentorship, positive role models, and access resources to be successful. This is how we prove that a Gentleman is a man of the people. Click HERE for more more info.
Highschool seniors attending a college, university, technical school, or starting a business.
Oklahoma City, OK. (surrounding school districts)
Tulsa, Oklahoma
leading lady award
Our Leading Lady Award is a scholarship that was created in 2021 because we believe in supporting young women of color and helping provide resources for their success . Its purpose is to give young ladies financial support for their education, equip them with attire for the professional world, and help them become business owner in the future. A real Gentleman supports women in his community, we decided to put our time, effort, and finances where our mouth was. Click HERE for more more info.
Highschool seniors attending a college, university, technical school, or starting a business.
Oklahoma City, OK. (surrounding school districts)
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Youth leadership summit
We don’t believe that, wearing a tie, or wearing a suit for that matter is going to make anyone a better man. But wearing a tie is a part of professional attire, and we believe in equipping young men in our community with tools for success and life skills that will always be of use to them.
We go to local schools to not only teach young men how to tie ties, but teach them other life skills and provide motivation for success.
High School, Middle School, Elementary School
Oklahoma City, OK. (surrounding school districts)
Tulsa, Oklahoma
back to school bash
Every year we partner with our friends from 44th Rose and hold a back to school bash in August. We invite local barbers, food trucks, bounce houses, and more to get children excited about the up coming school year!
This year we want to host two locations, a north and a south. Keep up with with the back to school bash by checking Grand Gent’s events, and check out our friends 44throse!
Any and all school children in need.
Gold Leaf Nutrition (North Side Location)
Del City Highschool (South Side Location)
winter coat drive
Our winter coat drive was apart of another partnership with our brothers of 44th rose. We came together to raise money for winter coats for over 300 children in Oklahoma City! If you’d like to help us raise funds for this please DONATE!
Any and all school children in need.
Gold Leaf Nutrition (North Side Location)
Del City Highschool (South Side Location)
suit the city: suit drive
In 2021 we held a suit drive at Black Star Urban Culture Market on the East Side of OKC. With the help of our sponsors, we were able to raise and giveaway 150 suits for men trying to re-enter the work force after the pandemic. If you would like to help us serve the community with another suit drive please consider sending us a donation. Thank you.
Gold Leaf Nutrition
The goal of the Athletic Club is to raise enough money to sponsor youth athletics and cover all team expenses to help alleviate parents of that financial burden. We will use this opportunity to mentor them about life outside of sports. Young men growing up in the Black community idolize professional athletes, and dream of making a career in pro sports. We will use that passion as a way to mentor them and show them that there are more ways to be successful in life. We want to use athletics as a tool to introduce boys into manhood, and show them what it means to be a gentleman, and encourage community fitness and health amongst young black men. The professional world is all about competition. This program will build character and teach young men how to be good competitors and authentic gentlemen. DONATE!
Gold Leaf Nutrition
We want to join the fight of increasing literacy rates amongst African American boys. Our goal is to raise enough money to donate 1,200 books and comic books to young boys every year. DONATE!