Our favorite movies of 2018!🎟
Happy New Year! Here at Grand Gentlemen, there’s nothing we love more than a trip to the cinema. This year we were gifted with some amazing films and wanted to share some of our favorites with you. They aren’t ranked, this is just a list of dope movies we enjoyed in 2018, and we hope you enjoy them too!
Hereditary. Without a doubt one of the scariest movies Hollywood has given us in a long time, Hereditary brought life back to the horror franchise by refocusing on overall plot lines that drive the story forward instead of cheap jump scares sprinkled in here and there. We definitely recommend this film, just make sure you watch with the light off.
BlackKklansman. This film’s concept, which could only be conceived and executed by the mind of legendary film maker Spike Lee, (although it is based on the book ‘Black Klansman’ by the real Ron Stallworth, who else could you see directing this? Really?) is definitely worth the watch.. This film takes us inside the minds of young revolutionaries who stemmed from the civil rights movment, as well as the psychopathic leaders of the Ku Klux Klan. The film blends a mixture of realism and political satire that puts a mirror in the face of Americans and reminds us how painfully relevant a film set in the 70’s STILL is.
HALLOWEEN (2018). This film made us so proud. In one fell swoop, the Halloween franchise was rescued from oblivion. This film strengthened an already interesting year for horror by giving us a nostalgia filled story that was surprisingly full of tonally appropriate humor. Add this to your list and remember, always check your back seat! 🔪
Overlord. This film is near perfect. It’s not your typical war movie, it has well placed elements of horror, and can lowkey be considered a zombie flick. There is a black lead in this film (Jovan Adepo) that is absolutely relatable, being a black who a real fear of being forced to go fight a war that has nothing to do with him. Overlord is filled with twists and turns, you know whats coming, you just cant pinpoint HOW its gonna slap you. The climax is well worth the suspense. In fact, the opening scene is the literal definition of ass clinching suspense. Just go see this movie. Trust us.
Bohemian Rhapsody. Do you enjoy good music, and movies? Are you a Queen fan, or particularly enjoy biopics? Yeah, us too. Go watch this film right now.
Bad Times at the El Royal. This crime drama with a twist was one of our favorites this year because it took its time and relied on character development and scenario building to tell a good story instead of poorly written jokes or cheesy effects. The film is literally just about 7 strangers in a hotel, whom all come together due to random circumstances to fulfil their destiny.
Creed II. This movie is absolutely incredible. The Creed films reinvigorated the Rocky franchise (and in our opinion solidified Michael B. Jordan’s place as a super star in Hollywood). The continuation of Creed’s storyline feels genuine, and also relatable, and the rivalry against the Drago’s builds throughout the film WITHOUT it becoming corny. Because lets be real…. its honestly TOO easy to do so in the Rocky franchise. Jordan and Caple Jr. created a fresh story and got us completely reinvested in a beloved franchise. Go watch this movie now, you’ll feel like you’re in the ring throwing punches (and taking them). Also, please…. for the love of God see Rocky 1-4, plus Creed first. Its not REQUIRED viewing, but the added effect and investment in the characters is WELL WORTH IT.
Widows. Holy Shit. This is a near perfect film. McQueen took us on a JOURNEY of emotions as this story unraveled and it even tackled issues we DID’NT see coming.. This may be the most realistic and grounded heist movie we’ve ever seen. And its a majority female cast…… Led by VIOLA DAVIS? Man just shut up and go watch the movie.
Mid90s. Jonah Hill’s debut as a director did NOT disappoint, we predict Mid90s will without a doubt become a cult classic in the future. Hill took us on a journey through the eye of a kid exploring adolescence and trying to find his way through the world. It feels extremely true to the time period and setting (we found ourselves missing California AND the 90’s) but it doesn’t rely on nostalgia to sell the story to the audience, just emotion and relatability.
Black Panther. This movie honestly needs no introduction. The first Black superhero FINALLY gets his own film and if we’re being honest, it changed the culture. This is story telling in its purest form and we couldn’t be more proud of Mr. Coogler and company for what they were able to accomplish with this film. It not only inspired us but will undoubtedly inspire generations of film lovers to come. Its more than just a superhero movie.