10 MORE movies you must watch in October! 😈
Earlier this month we gave you a list of horror movies to watch in October. Because we care so much, we’re giving you 10 more.
10. Orphan
This 2009 flick will make you think twice about adopting!
9. Silence of The Lambs
We’ve recommended this horror classic before. the best thing about classics is they NEVER get old!
8. The Grudge
Like it or not, this film started an entirely new wave of horror that is still terrifying to this day!
7. SAW
The truly horrifying thing about this film is.. on a bad day it could really happen to you. 😳
6. Jeepers Creepers
This film has its flaws, for sure. But damnit, we just love original stories.
5. 28 Weeks Later
Holy hell. We love a zombie apocalypse (SPOILER, this wont be the last one on our list.)
4. The Visit
Stranded with crazy old people you just met, for a week. Sound scary enough for ya?
3. Hereditary
The most horrifying film of 2018.
2. Dawn of The Dead
Some how, this at times hilarious as well as terrifying zombie flick became a classic. Easily one of our favorites.
1. An American Werewolf in London
We just HAD to end this list with a classic. One of the best werewolf films (If not THE best..) ever made. This film balances comedy and horror MASTERFULLY and gives us one of the best transformation scene in cinema history.